The Erasmus+ Programme is a European funding programme established in 1987 with a budget of 26 billion EUR for seven years (2021-2027). It offers students the opportunity to study or intern abroad, enhancing their academic experience and cultural understanding. Explore the world while earning credits towards your degree!
Table of Contents
“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us”
Erasmus+ for studies
Each year, there are two online selections for study mobilities. Both are done in the academic year before the mobility actually takes place (In February and June). In the second selection you can apply only for the second semester according to the remaining places after the first. You can apply up to 7 different destinations.
In order to apply you need a 7.00 weighted average with ECTS and have at least 70% of ECTS:
- First year: minimum 21/30 ECTS;
- Second year: minimum 63/90 ECTS;
- Additional year: minimum 84/120 ECTS.
You can apply even as a student in your last year of studies if you intend to go to the next cycle of studies (2nd year of Master can apply for the 1st year of PhD). If the student does not succeed in being admitted to the next cycle in ASE, then the planned mobility will simply be cancelled.
The selection process is:
- Displaying the mobility offer: February / June
- Submission of application files: February / June
- Selection interviews: March / July (You will need a national ID or student card and a computer with a working camera and microphone)
- Displaying the selection results: April/ July
The application file contains:
- Curriculum Vitae with a picture in the language that you are applying for (english, french, german, italian and spanish).
- Letter of intent, in the same language you are applying for
- Annex 5, GDPR, Consent for data protection
- Declaration of engagement (for students that are in the final year)
- Certificate of language (optional)
- Recommendation letter (optional, can be written in romanian)
- Other diplomas, certificates or documents that you consider as relevant
Students are provided grants based on destination and studies durations. There are also social grants and for travelling eco-friendly.
The studies are recognized both universities through a Learning Agreement.
“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.”
Erasmus+ for Placements
Erasmus+ for Placement, also known as Erasmus+ Traineeships, is a program designed to help students and recent graduates gain practical experience in their field of study working in a company or organization abroad. It represents a grant for internship into any organisation (public/private/NGO excepting EU institutions). If the internship is paid, the monthly salary must be lower than the monthly grant in order for them to stack.
As there are no requirements for this type of mobility, the selection is based on the principle of first come, first served in the limit of the available budget. Apply at least 6 weeks before departure.
The minimum duration for an internship is 2 months (60 days) and up to 12 months (360 days) accumulated. The arrival to the mobility must be done before the start date and the departure must be done after the end date specified on the agreement, otherwise you risk having to return the whole grant or a partial sum.
You can do an internship:
- In the summer holiday before the 2nd year in order to equivalate the specialized practice
- During your second semester of the second year when the specialized practice is allowed
- In the first 12 months after graduation if you apply while you are still a student (and the application is accepted before graduation takes place)
The grant amount depends on the living cost of the host country (from 700 to 800 Euro/month). There can also be an additional amount for travelling green and for social scholarships (+250 Euro/month)
The application file contains:
- Application form
- Letter of acceptance from the host organization (detais about the host organization, signature & official seal of the organization, your name, main tasks you will have and the exact period of the internship)
- Learning agreement (signed the host organization and your faculty Erasmus+ coordinator)
- CV (with picture, in the language of the mobility or english)
- Motivation letter for applying for Erasmus+
- Copy after ID card (passport and Romanian residence permit for foreign students)
- Details about the bank account (account in EURO only)
- Private health insurance or European Health Card (which is issued CNAS for free)
- Annex 5 (GDPR)
- Statement of social scholarship beneficiary from faculty (extra document, for an extra 250 euro/month)
- Statement of intending to use Green Travel (extra document, if you don’t intend to use plane)
- Bilateral Agreement (for non-EU countries except Turkey or Scandinavian countries)
The documents must be sent at erasmus@ase.ro 5-6 weeks before you plan to start the mobility or a few weeks before graduation.
After the mobility ends, you will need to:
- Bring to Erasmus+ office the Certificate of Attendance / After the mobility Certificate (Signed and stamped the host organization, scanned versions or digitally added signatures are not accepted)
- Bring to Erasmus+ office the proof of travel ( flight boarding pass / gas station bills / bus or train tickets / accomodation bill)
- Complete the Satisfaction questionnaire (received via email from the EU platform notification system)
- Complete the OLS test (Online language assessment done at the beginning and at the end of the mobility).
“Enriching lives, opening minds.”
Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs)
Blended short term mobilities and Blended Intensive Programs (BIP) are a new funding line in the new Erasmus+ program generation 2021 – 2027. The Blended Intensive Programs are intended to promote the use of innovative learning and teaching methods. The programs serve to increase digitalization skills in teaching and learning and to develop short, intensive and joint mobility curricula and activities (e.g. teaching weeks, summer schools, etc.). The duration of the physical group mobility (5-30 days) is combined with a virtual phase of undefined duration.
“Exploration is the engine that drives innovation.”
Useful Links
- https://international.ase.ro/ – ASE International site
- https://www.erasmusplus.ro/ – Romanian Erasmus site
- https://erasmus.ase.ro – ASE Erasmus+ Platform
- https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/ – Official Erasmus+
- https://www.ase-bucharest.esn.ro/ – Erasmus Student Network ASE
- https://etwinning.ro/ – European School Education Platform
- https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en – Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe
- https://youth.europa.eu/home_en – European Youth Portal
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed the things you didn’t do than the ones you did do.”
Faculty of Finance and Banking
The Faculty of Finance and Banking has as coordinator for Erasmus+ the vice-dean Mihaela Iacob (mihaela.iacob@fin.ase.ro).
In Romania, there is no 0. If a student scores 86%, he will be given a grade of 8.60, which will be rounded to a 9. Further, for a score of 94%, a grade of 9.40 is given that is rounded down to 9. The average of grades are not rounded, thus a student can earn an average grade of e.g. 9.55.
Romania | 1 – 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
ECTS scale | FX, F | E | D | C | C | B | A |
Explanation | Fail | Sufficient | Satisfactory | Good | Good | Very Good | Excellent |
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
Erasmus+ Agreements
Some institutions are available for academic staff only.