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Master of Applied Finance

The thesis is like the final exam for every master’s student, essential for graduation. It will probably be the most extensive research project you do during your studies. You’ll have a lot of freedom to choose your topic and research question, making the thesis the peak of your master’s education. This project shows you can create research questions, do independent research, and present your findings in writing, meeting high academic standards.

You won’t be alone in this process. Thesis advisors will guide and give you feedback, but it’s up to you to develop the main question, find and use the relevant literature and materials, and apply the concepts and methods you’ve learned. Completing the thesis is a big task that usually takes several months.

FABBV Procedure

Dissertation Preparation

  1. Students can choose from proposed topics or suggest a new topic. The professors have limited amount of students that they can coordinate.
  2. Students must fill out the application form and obtain the signature of the coordinating professor.
  3. The application must be uploaded here until 15th of November 2024. The additional year student must also resubmit the updated application form.
  4. The centralized list of topics will be uploaded on the faculty website until 29th of November 2024.
  5. The modifications to the thesis title can be submitted until May 2024. The application must be submitted to the secretary with the coordinating professor signature and will be uploaded on the website.

Attention: Access to the form is only available with your institutional email account ( For those without an institutional email, scan and email your applications to secretariat.

Dissertation Defense

  1. Graduates will go their personal page and upload the dissertation for plagiarism check (“Finalizare studii” tab) in June.
    • Students from previous years that did not sustain the defense can request the removal of their previously uploaded papers from the anti-plagiarism database before uploading the new version.
  2. Graduates that obtained ADMITTED following the plagiarism check will send the .pdf to the department secretariat.
    • The .pdf must contain all parts of the dissertation, can be opened, is completed, is the same version with the plagiarism check, is saved with the format SURNAME_NAME_MASTER.
  3. Graduates will give the following documents to the faculty secretariat:
    • Documents must be in format .pdf/.jpeg/.jpg/.png. They must be personally dated and signed.
      • Declaration regarding personal data protection (Annex 2);
      • Declaration on own responsibility regarding the authenticity of documents sent on email (Annex 3);
      • Declaration on own responsibility regarding the originality of the completion work (Annex 5);
      • Liquidation form. The form must be completed with personal data (top part), dated and personally signed (bottom part);
      • Two identity card pictures.
    • For previous promotions or for additional year, they must also send:
      • Proof of payment for the dissertation defense (1000 RON)
      • Copy of: identity card, baccalaureate diploma and high school documents, bachelor diploma and diploma supplement, birth certificate, marriage certificate.
  4. Graduates will follow the faculty website in order to find the schedule of the exam.
  5. The exam will be in two stages: presentation and defense of the dissertation thesis and the evaluation of knowledge.
    • Every committe has a president, two members, a secretary and co-opted members.


A dissertation or master thesis is the final research paper that a student develops under the supervision of a coordinating professor. The word “dissertation” comes from the Latin “dissertare” meaning “to debate”.

Start choosing a topic that genuinely interests you and fits within the scope of finance. Reflect on what you found compelling in your coursework or look for gaps in existing research that you can explore. The general idea must be refined into a focused research question that is specific enough to investigate throughly, but broad enough to access enough resources. Discuss the idea with your coordinating professor or choose from proposed themes, making sure the topic is relevant, feasible, and contributes to the field of finance.

  • A clear, concise, and unambigous title
  • A focused, clear, concise, but complex and arguable research question
  • A general research plan

Correct research question

  1. What impact does the implementation of blockchain technology have on the efficiency of banking transactions in Romania?
  2. How do changes in the national minimum wage influence small business profitability in Bucharest?
  3. What role do interest rates play in the mortgage lending market in Romania?
  4. How have recent tax reforms impacted foreign investment in the Romanian IT sector?
  5. What are the effects of financial literacy programs on saving behavior among young adults in Romania?
  6. What is the impact of government subsidies on renewable energy investments in Romania?

Wrong definition of a research question

  1. How does technology affect banking?
  2. What are the effects of minimum wage on businesses?
  3. How do interest rates affect loans?
  4. What is the relationship between taxes and investment?
  5. Why don’t young people save money?
  6. How does the government support renewable energy?


The Library of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) is a vital part of the national education system, offering a wide range of scholarly resources to support academic and research activities. ASE Library curates collections of scientific publications from diverse sources, providing access to essential materials for students and researchers. Through electronic catalogs, databases, and specialized services, the library ensures convenient access to knowledge, fostering an environment conducive to learning and research within the university community.

Good Practice Guide

Other bibliography:

Specialized Databases

Our specialized databases offer focused information on various subjects. Whether you’re interested in finance, science, or any other field, these databases provide targeted resources to help you find what you need quickly and easily.

Bloomberg Finance Professional: The Bloomberg platform can be accessed from the campus, on the terminal installed at the Library, Periodicals’ Reading Room (building Ion N. Angelescu, floor 1, room 0116).

EIKON for Students: The Refinitiv Eikon platform can be accessed from the campus, on the terminal installed at the Library, Periodicals’ Reading Room (building Ion N. Angelescu, floor 1, room 0116). Request access info at using the institutional e-mail.

Audit & Compliance Module: The Audit Analytics platform can be accessed from all reading rooms with computer from intranet. Access to the platform is provided on the basis of an account created using the institutional email address. The creation of the account is requested here:

Orbis: The Orbis platform can be accessed in campus, with an institutional IP.

Euromonitor Passport: Euromonitor platform can be accessed from the Intranet, but also from the Internet using the Remote Access service (for account creation access: The Remote Access account already created for the ANELIS PLUS resources provided E-nformation is also valid for the Euromonitor platform.

IFRS Box: The IRFS Box platform can be accessed from the campus, on the terminal installed at the Library, Periodicals’ Reading Room (building Ion N. Angelescu, floor 1, room 0116).

Sintact (ro): The Sintact platform can be accessed from the campus, on the terminal installed at the Library, Periodicals’ Reading Room (building Ion N. Angelescu, floor 1, room 0116).

ZF Corporate (ro): The Ziarul Financiar Corporate platform can be accessed locally, on terminals located within the Library (Periodicals’ Reading Room – 0116). Access from outside the Bucharest University of Economic Studies is available through an account created with the institutional email address. The creation of the account is requested here:

Open Access journals

DOAJ is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world, driven a growing community, committed to ensuring quality content is freely available online for everyone.

DOAB is a community-driven discovery service that indexes and provides access to scholarly, peer-reviewed open access books and helps users to find trusted open access book publishers. All DOAB services are free of charge and all data is freely available.

Cambridge Open Access serves authors and the wider community publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed content that allows readers to redistribute, re-use and adapt the content in new works.

De Gruyer –

Elsevier –

Emerald –

Jstor –

Sage Journals –

Remote Access (ANELIS)

The Bucharest University of Economic Studies benefits from access to databases with scientific publications in full-text format, bibliographic and bibliometric databases: Science Direct, ProQuest, Emerald, Scopus, Clarivate Analytics. They can be accessed from the ASE Intranet (institutional IP) and from the Internet through the Remote Access service.

  • Follow the university’s guidelines for dissertation formatting, lengths, and citation style.
  • Ensure your work is original and accurately cited using plagiarism-check tools provided the university.
  • Throughout the process, maintain regular contact with your coordinating professor for guidance and feedback.
  • Leverage all available resources to support your dissertation work. The university library offers access to essential databases, academic journals, and other research materials.
  • Use citation management tools to keep your references organized.
  • Keep a calendar to track deadlines and plan your work in order to avoid last-minute stress.
  • Make sure you know who to contact for specific questions.